
Leafield Projects take environmental issues seriously and has several initiatives towards becoming a greener company and reducing our carbon footprint. This in turn assists our customers to become greener too.

Recycling Programs

Leafield Projects has an in-office recycling program in place. We recycle all aluminium, paper and cardboard through the local council.

Paperless Office

Where possible our internal systems have been changed to a paperless system. On any occasion we have to use paper, we use recycled paper.

Energy Efficiency

All computers and servers use the latest power efficiency technology and our web hosts are dedicated to carbon neutral hosting.

Solar Power

We use solar energy to power external lighting systems and access gates to our storage yard.

Environmental Conscious Partners

When choosing partners and suppliers we take into account companies environmental practices

As part of our Environmental Policy

We will strive to:

  • Continual improvement in its environmental performance.
  • Assess our organisational activities and identify areas where we can minimise impacts.
  • Minimise waste through careful and efficient use of all materials and energy.
  • Purchase sustainable products wherever feasible
  • Ensure compliance with all environmental legislation, regulations and codes of practice
  • Keep transport use to a minimum and regularly service vehicles to maintain their efficiency
  • Continually assess the environmental impact of all our operations.
  • Work with suppliers to ensure they recognise and reduce the environmental impact of their
  • products and transportation.
  • Keep sites clean and tidy to ensure minimum disturbance to clients and neighbours

Arrange a callback for a free on–site survey or call 0300 373 5990